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Exciting News!!

As a busy woman are you feeling overwhelmed with your many roles and responsibilities, self sacrificing our own needs for the needs of others?

It is so easy to loose the sense of you own identity and the simple pleasure of what it feels like to be YOU.

Eventually the tiredness and frustration starts to show on the outside!

Is all the multi-tasking making you feel GRAY?

Like me did have you tried all the creams and cosmetics to help outer appearance?

After putting my problem solving ability to this issue I am happy to say I found the secret!

It is not to focus on our outer beauty but to focus on out inner beauty

As a designer I have worked with many top Brands and tried all the so called 'miracle creams'.

They cost a fortune and don't work!


Because the SECRET to that radiant GLOW is within

After 30 years of Corporate and Product Branding I am now passionate about Personal Branding.

Because Personal Branding helps us to design our identity from the inside out!

I would love help you find your inner GLOW.

To transformbydesign from Gray to Technicolour.

I am delighted to announce that I will be running my 1st Masterclass soon called 'Colour me Beautiful.'

If you are interested feel free to sign up to my mailing list at

I would love to have you join me.

It's sure to be a bit of craic!

The more the merrier.

Tell your friends all are welcome to the Party!

Love x Caroline


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